KnewHealth “Services” Page
This client already had an existing site, and wanted to build out a new page to highlight all of the services they offer. KnewHealth is a form of medical cost-sharing, and wanted a page not only to explain what that meant, but also what benefits they offer. This will highlight some of the process, to see the full site click here.
The client wanted fun visual elements to illustrate what their user’s can experience. The idea was to mis both real world and graphic elements to create something fun and inviting. I created a graphic for each of their selling points; concierge service, second medical opinions, bill negotiation, telemedicine, medical cost sharing, fitness, medical discounts, supplements, and health coaching. The graphics were meant to illustrate the electronic-nature of their services, which is why the elements show generic type devices and browser windows.
Concierge Services
Second Opinions
Bill Negotiation
Medical Cost Sharing
Medical Discounts
Supplement Discounts
Health Coaching
In this graphic, the client specifically wanted to highlight partnerships with vendors and supplements manufactures.
Here I highlighted only a small part of the client’s needs. To see all of the decisions that went into the site, like hierarchy, colors, fonts, and layout, check out the site.